Active Directory Contacts Add-Edit-Remove


Bazı durumlarda teknik olarak olmasada organik olarak bağlılıklarımızın bulunduğu firmalar, kuruluşlar oluyor ve yapımızda bu kuruluşların çalışanlarına Skype,Outlook contact’larından erişebilme aradağında bulabilme ihtiyacı doğuyor. Tam bu aşamada ilgili kuruluşlardan gerekli bilgileri csv formatında talep edip yazdığım bu scripti kullanabilirsiniz.

Script Ne Yapar?

Elde ettiğiniz csv formatındaki dosyayı satır satır okur ve her satırda şu kontrolleri yapar;

  1. Böyle bir user var mı? Yoksa oluştur
  2. Böyle bir user varsa Attiribute’lerinde değişiklik var mı (Display Name, Title, Surname gibi) varsa değişikliği uygula
  3. Delete-Contact adımlarında ise
  4. Mevcut contact listemizi CSV dosya içerisindeki liste ile karşılaştırarak yok ise sil.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Function Compare-ObjectProperties {
    $objprops = "givenName","sn","mail" #Will check user properties
    $diffs = @()
    $Date = Get-Date
    foreach ($objprop in $objprops) {
        $diff = Compare-Object $ReferenceObject $DifferenceObject -Property $objprop # Compare two object and return differencies.
        if ($diff) {            
            $diffprops = @{
                RefValue=($diff | ? {$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='} | % $($objprop))
                DiffValue=($diff | ? {$_.SideIndicator -eq '=>'} | % $($objprop))
            $DN= $ReferenceObject | select DistinguishedName
            $GivenName = $DifferenceObject | select givenName
            $sn = $DifferenceObject | select sn
            $proxyAddresses = $DifferenceObject| select sipAddress
            $DisplayName = $GivenName.GivenName+" "+$                     
            Set-ADObject -Identity $DN  -Replace @{$objprop = $diffprops.DiffValue.ToString();'DisplayName'=$DisplayName;'proxyAddresses'="sip:"+$proxyAddresses.sipAddress;'msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress'="sip:"+$proxyAddresses.sipAddress} # Set user properties as a result of compare.
            $DisplayName + " USER ARRANGED " + $Date >> C:\Util\editedcontacts.txt # Log changes.
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $DisplayName " ARRANGED"                                     
            $diffs += New-Object PSObject -Property $diffprops # Output information optional.
    #if ($diffs) {return ($diffs | Select PropertyName,RefValue,DiffValue)}     

function Contact-Import
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
    $users = Import-Csv $path -Encoding ASCII
   foreach($user in $users)
   if(!($user.sipAddress -cmatch '' -or $user.sipAddress -eq $null))

            New-ADObject -Name $user.uid -Type contact -OtherAttributes @{'givenName'=$user.givenName;'sn'=$;'mail'=$user.mail;'DisplayName'=$user.givenName+" "+$;'msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1'=$user.uid;'proxyAddresses'='sip:'+$user.sipAddress;'msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress'='sip:'+$user.sipAddress} -Path $ouDN -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $user.givenName  $ "CREATED"    
            #if($user.sipAddress -ne "")
             #   {
              #  $uname = $user.uid
               # $currentuser = Get-ADObject -Filter {(objectClass -eq "contact") -and (name -eq $uname)} -Properties * -SearchBase "OU=OtherRecipients,DC=ttd,DC=local"
                #$DN = $currentuser | select DistinguishedName
               # Set-ADObject -Identity $DN -Replace @{'proxyAddresses'='sip:'+$user.sipAddress}
               # }
            $errormessage = $_.Exception.Message                       
            if($errormessage -contains 'An attempt was made to add an object to the directory with a name that is already in use')
            $uname = $user.uid
            $currentuser = Get-ADObject -Filter {(objectClass -eq "contact") -and (name -eq $uname)} -Properties * -SearchBase $ouDN   
            Compare-ObjectProperties $currentuser $user            
           Write-Host $errormessage

function Contact-Delete
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
    $users = Import-Csv $path -Encoding ASCII
    $currentusers = Get-ADObject -Filter 'objectClass -eq "contact"' -Properties * -SearchBase $ouDN
    $Date = Get-Date
foreach($cuser in $currentusers)

    $a = $users | Where-Object {$_.uid -eq $}
        $DN = $cuser.DistinguishedName
        Remove-ADObject -Identity $DN -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $cuser.givenName.toString() + " USER DELETED " + $date >> C:\Util\editedcontacts.txt
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $cuser.DisplayName.toString() " DELETED"        

Contact-Import -path C:\contacts.csv -ouDN "OU=OtherRecipients,DC=ttd,DC=local"  # Create contacts in CSV file which are have Sip address and does not have
Contact-Delete -path C:\contacts.csv -ouDN "OU=OtherRecipients,DC=ttd,DC=local" # Delete contacts from AD, if does not exist in related CSV file.

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